Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Third White Dress

Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun. I’m not sure I would call everything I did fun… but you get my drift.  Before I knew it, it was just the day before my wedding. Everybody that had to be around me was very patient despite my stress and freaking out. My bridesmaids dragged me (almost literally…) out of helping decorate on Friday night to go have a bachelorette party where we just hung out with my sisters and mom and just did nails and talked. 

Everybody was so helpful and was always asking me what I needed and what they could do. After the party, my bridesmaids (Mindy, Jillyn, and Kailyn) went back to my apartment. It was fun to have them spend the night in my apartment with me—even if it was on mattresses on the floor and there was no food but cereal that we had bought on the way home. A college student's best friend... right??
            On Saturday morning, Jillyn did my hair and finally I got out of the door with my mom and sister. It’s amazing how as soon as I got in the temple, everything else that may have been on my mind just melted away. Parker and I got the paperwork and stuff taken care of, then it was on to the actual sealing. When we were going up the elevator to go to the sealing room, Parker told me he was starting to get nervous. I told him it was probably a little too late to get cold feet now... but Yikes! I was anxious and excited at the same time. When we walked into the room surrounded by (almost) all the people we love, I couldn’t help but feel so peaceful and happy. I won’t lie, my emotions got the best of me. The sealing was wonderful, and I was overcome by equally wonderful feelings. I always feel the most in love when I am at the temple.
            Parker forgot to take my wedding band to the temple, but he said he would give it to me later, so that was kind of funny =]. After the sealing, we met outside and took some pictures.  Ok Ok, a lot of pictures!


After the pictures, we went to the luncheon at the church near Parker’s house. The food was prepared by my family and delicious as always! We had time to pass a microphone around and anyone could talk about a memory they had of either parker or me. It was fun to think about these things and get to hear fun stories. We also got to watch the fabulous picture slide show that Parker’s brother Josh put together for us.  
        When Parker finally got a hold of the microphone, he told everyone how he’d forgotten my wedding band and that he needed to give it to me now. He got down on one knee, took my ring off, and thanked me for marrying him while he put both the rings back on my finger. So precious =]

            After the luncheon there wasn’t very much time before we were supposed to be meeting for pictures before the reception. We were a little behind schedule, but I kind of figured we would be. The reception was fun and it was fun to see so many people. All of Parker’s family worked so hard on our decorations, flowers, and food the day before and everything was absolutely beautiful!

         During the cake cutting, we were both kind of going slow to see if the other was going to do something or not. 
 Finally I couldn’t take it anymore, so I smooshed it in his mouth. And he did the same to me, but I had it comin’ since I started it.
           Before I knew it the day was over! Parker and I were both exhausted, but felt so loved by all those that had done so much for us. The day went by so fast, but it was everything I had ever hoped for. I remember people telling me not be bothered by anything else that may happen that day, because the most important thing had already happened in the temple. It is so true. The spirit and love I felt there in that sealing room, was so overpowering. When Parker promised me forever, I felt like the luckiest and most blessed girl in the world. I still feel like this every day! Parker is so wonderful to me and is so patient. He keeps my life fun and spunky and lets me be silly when I want to be. He plays along with me and most importantly; he never forgets to tell me that he loves me.
            On September 3, 2011, I wore my third white dress. I promised forever to the man I love, and my Heavenly Father. This is a day I will never forget! Not because of all the fancy things that happened or getting to get dressed up (although that was wonderful too!), but because of the way I felt. The love and support I felt from my husband, family members, and friends could never be replaced. Most importantly was the peaceful reassurance that I knew that I did what Heavenly Father wanted me to do at this point in my life. Even though there were many times of anxiety and uncertainty, Heavenly Father has rewarded us for taking a leap of faith and trusting Him. It has already paid itself over time and time again, and I look forward to a lifetime and longer with my sweet husband who puts up with me, makes me a better person, and loves me unconditionally.
            I looked forward immensely to September 3. Now I look forward at the opportunities we will have, and the people we can become with the Lord’s help. I’m looking forward to forever. =]